Starting a House Church (June 2023)

Tuesday, June 20th, 2023

House Church (June 2023)

“...they broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.”

Acts 2:46


We are doing things differently. That is who we are as a diocese.

Over the summer, I want to introduce an idea that goes back to the first Christians- the House Church. The earliest church was house church, people gathered in a familiar setting to pray. In Acts, we hear that “they broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.”

This ancient idea has new relevance for us today. People who are seeking prayer, inspiration and community beyond Sunday, people who are new to the Christian faith, people who long to connect with Jesus but for whatever reason are not comfortable in a more conventional setting.

Right now, your diocesan staff is putting together an easy guide and a team of people to support the growth of House Churches across the diocese. I want to be clear, this will not replace traditional Sunday worship at one of our 136 church buildings. It is a way to grow our churches and our diocese, creating new ways for people to encounter, experience and express God.

So, think about whether House Church is for you – either as a host or as an attendee. Don’t worry about the details right now. Dream. Visualize. Imagine what could be. Next month I will share more details about how you can get started.