Growth Development Fund Grants for 2024

Thursday, July 25th, 2024

Logo for the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania

During initial Bishop Gutiérrez’s pilgrimage, it was discovered that several congregations needed small to medium capital improvements to expand their capacity for ministry, hospitality, and community engagement. For some churches this meant a renovation to a room for youth; repairing an old HVAC system; improving access with handicapped ramps; repaving the parking lot; or replacing old windows with new energy-efficient ones.

Unfortunately, many of the congregations that shared these needs did not have the funds to undertake such a project. In response, the Bishop has created The Growth Development Fund (GDF) to help parishes making such improvements. 

Here is information on the GDF:

  • It is a nine-year program.
  • Grants are for deferred maintenance that will enhance a church’s capacity for ministry or the need for capital improvement.
  • Determinations will be made based both on an evaluation of the urgency of the need and the potential impact it may have on the congregation’s life and ministry.
  • Awards will be for projects up to $30,000. A church that receives a grant will be expected to report the following year on the progress of its enhanced ministry and the effect on the congregation.
  • Apply Now.  Churches that need help filling out the grant application can contact Canon Doug Horner,
  • Awards are not made on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Churches that do not receive a grant in prior years do not need to apply the following year.  Any church wishing to have their application re-considered needs to email Canon Doug Horner,, to confirm their prior years application be re-considered and declare any change in project scope or timing from the original application.
  • Once you receive a grant in this program you cannot apply for another one.

Awards will be announced November 1, 2024.