Earth Day Opportunities

Friday, April 21st, 2023

Earth Day

This year, Earth Day is celebrated on Saturday, April 22nd. Episcopalians are invited to commemorate it by praying, preaching, and taking action to care for God’s creation.  Below are some ways to get started in your church and your community.  

Earth-Friendly Examples from our Diocese:



God, maker of marvels,  
you weave the planet and all its creatures together in kinship;  
your unifying love is revealed  
in the interdependence of relationships  
in the complex world that you have made.  
Save us from the illusion that humankind is separate and alone,  
and join us in communion with all inhabitants of the universe;  
through Jesus Christ, our Redeemer,  
who topples the dividing walls by the power of your Holy Spirit,  
and who lives and reigns with you, for ever and ever. Amen.