Dare to imagine (7/14/21)

Wednesday, July 14th, 2021

Bishop in front of St. John's Diocesan Center

(Scroll down for video message.)

Last month, the diocese reopened its third church in three years.  This incredible event happened because we refused to be bound by the conventional wisdom that the Church is in decline and instead allowed ourselves to dream and trust our Lord.  Over the coming months, you will hear me talk a lot about dreaming and dreams fulfilled. 

Our dreams are not bound by budgets or membership, instead they are defined only by our faith and our willingness to follow the lead of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

In the last year, the diocese has reduced administrative and operational burdens barriers to ministry by providing emergency grants, free hands-on technology assistance, technology in grants and, in some cases, staff on Sunday and during the week.  We are currently developing new services and models that will further free our churches and allow them to dream about how they might better use their gifts in the service of their community. As you know, the coming launch of Serviam will provide online training that will empower and equip our laity and clergy. 

No other diocese would have dared to imagine the re-opening of three closed churches in three years. We cannot rest for God is calling us into even bigger and bolder dreams.  We are a revolutionary diocese.  Let us dare to imagine how we might transform our churches, our communities and our diocese, together, in his holy name. 

Bishop signature

The Rt. Rev. Daniel G. P. Gutiérrez

XVI Bishop of The Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania

"Dare to imagine." July 2021 Message from Bishop Gutiérrez