Covid Update (3/10/22)

Thursday, March 10th, 2022

Logo for the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania

 In light of the recent changes to the CDC masking guidance and the lifting of Philadelphia’s indoor masking mandate, we wanted to ensure everyone is clear about our diocesan protocols and recommendations.

  • Clergy and vestry continue to be empowered to prayerfully determine what safety measures should be observed in their churches.  If you would like assistance in these deliberations, please contact Canon Shawn Wamsley at or Canon Kirk Berlenbach
  • Masking: The CDC has adjusted its masking guidelines based on local case counts and other COVID metrics.  Depending on their congregants needs, churches may make masking at worship and other church events optional.  As you make this determination, please continue to account for the medical needs and concerns of everyone in your church.
  • Food: Again, depending on their circumstances, churches may resume offering food and beverages in less restrictive ways including shared dishes, coffee urns and beverage pitchers.
  • Communion and the Common Cup: As communicated in November of last year, churches may offer communion in both kinds. Individual cups or other non-conventional methods of serving are still subject to the restrictions of the original communication. 
  • The Bishop’s direction to clergy who test positive for COVID remains in force. 

In addition to the links shared above, all previous protocol communications can be found here.

This is a hopeful time in our Church.  Preparing for the Risen Lord.  As your church discerns your path forward please proceed with care and above all, grounding your decisions in prayer and in our faith in Jesus Christ.