A large part of Advent is rejoicing with music. Here is a list of exciting events you have told us about.
12/7: Advent Party and Caroling, St. Alban’s, Newtown Square http://bit.ly/2rqABHr
12/13: Holiday Carol-Sing, St. Paul's, Doylestown
12/14: The Historic African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas - AECST Choir at Philadelphia's Christmas Village http://bit.ly/2sXJokR
12/15: Choral Evensong, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Doylestown http://bit.ly/2Yt6fQY
12/15: Concert of George F. Handel's Messiah, St. George St. Barnabas Episcopal Church Philadelphia http://bit.ly/33Y7kRG
12/15: Caroling at the Carillon: Sing-Along, Washington Memorial Chapel at Valley Forge http://bit.ly/2LxO7A9
12/15 Lessons & Carols, Church of the Redeemer, Bryn Mawr https://bit.ly/2LsBLcr
12/15: A Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols, St. Paul’s Chestnut Hill
12/20: Caroling and party, Church of the Holy Apostles, Wynnewood, PA
12/22: Lessons and Carols, The Church of The Crucifixion Philadelphia http://bit.ly/2PosOSv
12/22: Carols for a Cause, Christ Church, Philadelphia http://bit.ly/2LwR6IK
12/22: Christmas Lessons and Carols, Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville PA http://bit.ly/2rqA0Wd
12/22: Lessons and Carols Trinity Episcopal Church, Ambler, PA
12/29: Lessons & Carols, Holy Nativity Episcopal Church, Rockledge