April is Global Mission Month

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

April is Global Mission Month

Hope is embodied on Easter morning as the living Christ is encountered by Jesus’ women friends! That was moment in time when the Body of Christ began to encircle the world through Jesus’ friends setting out to embrace new cultures with the love they experienced in Jesus. They were not timid but brave and adventuresome, fueled by the desire to reach out globally.

Today we are part of the living, breathing Body of Christ throughout the world. It is not hard for us as the Episcopal Church to get our arms out into the world. We are members of a global family called the Anglican Communion. Our sisters and brothers live in 165 countries. When we reach out to connect with their love new life in Christ happens. We are all filled with joy to touch each other. Love is increased.

April in our Diocese is Global Mission month. Throughout this month we will be exploring different relationships partnerships and possibilities that we have to engage with our siblings around the world.  I want you to think about how you might participate in this work.  We will be kicking this month off with a webinar conversation that I will take part in, where we will be discussing global mission, why is participating in God’s global mission important? I hope you will come and learn about the work we are doing around the world together.

There is nothing more beautiful than meeting a friend in the risen Christ’s love. At Easter we are empowered by new life. This April let us lift our hearts and souls to a new wider vision of who we are as members of the Diocese of Pennsylvania and as powerful voices throughout the world for the joy of Resurrection.