2023 Program Grants

Thursday, September 15th, 2022

Logo for the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania

Does your congregation have a program or ministry that could use financial support from our Diocesan Budget? Have you wanted to start a new ministry or continue an old one, but just do not have the finances to do so? If so, then this grant application may be right for you. (Application is available here.)

As part of the annual DIOPA Mission budget, funds are allocated for programs and ministries at the congregational level. This grant process is open to all churches. You do not need to be a previous recipient to be eligible. However, being a previous recipient does not guarantee that your grant will be renewed.

If you would like to have your program/ministry considered for funding, all the following items will need to be included in your application packet.
* Completed Application Information sheet
* 2021 Parochial Report
* 2020 Parish Audit
* 2021 Actual Year End Financials - include the actual end-of-year numbers
* 2022 Budget - include the actual year-to-date numbers
* Description of the program/ministry to be funded
* If your church received funding in 2021, or are approved to receive funding in 2022, please describe how the money was or will be used and whether your church was able to achieve your goals for the ministry or program.
* The amounts of funding for approved applications will be allocated from projected available funds.

Completed application packages must be submitted electronically, and must be received no later than Thu Thursday, October 28, 2022. Please email the package to Doug Horner at dhorner@diopa.org.