
Wednesday, August 19th, 2020


7:00 pm – 7:30 pm


Online at the DIOPA Youth Facebook Page

Taking the Mystery out of Online Sunday School

This is an info-meeting of four leaders of children’s ministry who are sharing their experiences and acquired knowledge of learning and doing online ‘Sunday School’ since the beginning of the pandemic.  They advise on Safe-Space Zoom for children’s ministry, encouraging changing Sunday School to another day, and offering various fun  options to do online ministry ‘next Sunday.'  The leaders are Soozung Rankin (Church of the Holy Trinity, Rittenhouse Square), Meredith Wiggins (Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral), Jonathan Hobbs (Church of the Good Samaritan, Paoli) and Lauren Exley (St. James' Episcopal Church, Collegeville.)  

Sunday school leaders should also refer to this grid for more ideas.