
Begins: Monday, May 25th, 2020 Ends: Tuesday, June 30th, 2020


Daily: 9:00 am – 5:30 pm



virtual sacred day of feeding

At this unusual time, many are in need of food. Every day we hear of increased number of visitors to food banks and long lines waiting for food donations.

One idea that originated in one of our churches was the use of the stimulus checks.  For many, the stimulus check is a life line, while for others it can be used as a form of helping one’s neighbor.  If you are able, together we can make a substantial donation to food banks, kitchens, pantries, etc. Places that are trying to do more to put food in the right places and are asking for financial assistance.  Since they have the distribution system already in place, the only thing that would need to be done would be to raise the money rather quickly and get it to them so that they can bolster their efforts to help those in need..

You can donate in two ways:

  1. Designate the food program of your choice (please provide the name and address). A list of Diocesan food programs can be found here.
  2. You can donate online to the diocese or by check. Undesignated funds will go to Episcopal Churches and organizations offering food assistance during this outbreak; using the list found above.