Saturday, June 1st, 2019
10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2600 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19130
The liturgy is a drama made up of scenes that have the potential to bring worshippers into awareness of their many faceted relationship with God. The museum provides art that may enhance worshippers’ experience, complementing the words of the liturgy and the work of the Spirit. As participants make their way through the museum, the drama of the liturgy unfolds and works of art will aid their contemplation of the divine / human encounter.
Parishioner and museum guide, John Hougen, will lead the group in responding to the works of art with prayerful meditation, using the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. Followed by an optional group lunch at the museum cafeteria (participants pay for their meals). This event is best for older teens and adults. Space is limited! $10 per person. (Admission and parking are free!)