Money Talks: Transparency in Clergy Compensation (5/20/21)


Thursday, May 20th, 2021


6:30 pm – 7:30 pm



Join the Clergy Compensation committee of the Commission on Wellness for an open discussion of discernment, search processes, and beyond.

They are gathering feedback from lay and clergy leaders on what parishes need to consider in order to prepare appropriate compensation packages at the beginning of search processes. If you are currently or have previously been involved in a clergy search process or served on a vestry, your attendance and input is greatly appreciated. We'll discuss how the diocese interacts with search committees regarding determining compensation, and how that interaction becomes preemptive and improved. We will also discuss regular evaluation of compensation for incumbent clergy and lay leaders.

Please email and we will register you to attend. Prior to May 20, 2021 you will receive a zoom link to log in. You can email Fr. Ben with any questions.