Saturday, December 14th, 2024
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
St Peter’s Church
313 Pine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
United States
Culture and history portray Mary, the mother of Jesus, in many different ways. But how does this iconic woman, who first became known in the Gospel story as a young unwed mother probably in her teenage years, journey with us now?
How is she with us in our daily life, our own search for Jesus, and our transforming communities? What courage does Mary give men and women and nonbinary people to seek unthinkable reversals in the world?
How does she encourage us to look for God’s new thing where it didn’t seem possible....
whether in our justice work in the world or within a wound deep inside that might be becoming a doorway instead of a wall….?
We’ll have a series of four brief prayer liturgies with meditations on different aspects of Mary; the Magnificat, or the Song of Impossibility; her life, and ours, with about 15 minutes for quiet time between each liturgy for people to think, rest, pray, write, or use the sacred space in whatever quiet way they’d like.
We’ll end in Eucharist around noon. Bring a friend or family member. Parking available in the church lot.
All are welcome –
We ask that participants commit to the full two hours for the best retreat experience for everyone!