
Sunday, June 26th, 2022


5:00 pm – 6:30 pm


St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, 5720 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19128


Open to all! Special invitation extended to queer members of the Episcopal community and their allies. The LGTBQIA+ Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania and St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church in Roxborough invite you to a Service of Evening Prayer, followed by a fellowship hour. Light refreshments will be served.

All are welcome to attend and registration is not required, but we would appreciate an RSVP to plan for the fellowship hour. Please send your RSVP to For those unable to attend in person, the service will be livestreamed. Email for the livestream link.

St. Timothy’s is located at 5720 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, 19128. Ample street parking is available.

The LGBTQIA+ Committee thanks St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, the Very Rev. Dr. Bonnie McCrickard, and St. Timothy’s Parish Life Committee for hosting the event.

Questions and comments about the work of the LGBTQIA+ Committee can be directed to