
Wednesday, October 27th, 2021


2:00 pm – 3:00 pm



The Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey, and The Episcopal Church in Delaware, together with the Office of Latino Ministry are launching a new program called Latino Ministry in a Box (LMB). The ministry helps congregations who may not have Spanish-speaking clergy launch a new Latino ministry by taking small steps and utilizing technology.

For any congregation which has been trying to reach their Latino neighbors, this is a method that works and can help them launch the ministry. Join us for an online session on 10/27 at 2 p.m. to learn more. To register, fill out this short form:

The U.S. is changing demographically. The number of Latinos continues to grow. So much so, that by 2045 Latinos will be the largest segment of the minority-majority U.S. But many congregations have been unable to minister to Latinos because of the language barrier. LMB is based on a proof-of-concept experiment conducted by TryTank Experimental Lab in 2019 that can overcome this issue.

Participating congregations will take steps at their own pace to get to know their neighbors and invite them in. It all starts with a bible study and over time can lead to a worshipping community. The program is set up in phases: the pre-work phase; prepare phase; work phase; recruit phase; and the launch phase. The 12 selected congregations from all three dioceses will also become peer learning communities that build thriving capacity through connection, learning goals, collaborative leadership, assertiveness/conflict agility, engaging their local communities, and developing new spiritual pathways. This initiative is funded by your diocese.

What will be required of congregations:

  • A commitment to be a part of the program for at least a year
  • An open mind to reaching new members of a different culture
  • The ability to form a small team to lead this effort (recommended at minimum of 3
  • persons)
  • About 5 hours per week of the team

Each congregation will be provided with a video and curriculum each week. There will be a need to download the video and the ability to play it for the participants. 

If it sounds like this program may be right for your congregation, or if you have more questions, join us for an ONLINE information session on October 27, at 2 PM EST. To register, fill out this short form: