
Sunday, January 16th, 2022


11:00 am – 11:30 am


Online and the CW-Philly

Martin Luther King Jr

Praise, Worship and Thanksgiving. In partnership with the diocese, the Gospel choir from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Elkins Park will perform in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

The performance will be broadcast on the CW-Philly WPSG at 11 a.m. on Sunday, January 16 and on YouTube on Monday, January 17 at 6 p.m.  

The Rev. Paul DeWitt Reid, rector at St. Paul’s, officiates this service which will contain the Evening Order of Service from the Book of Common Prayer which can be found on page 142. Luckily, there is an ancient Evening Order of Service that pre-dates Anglican Choral Evensong, one that praises the Light of Christ come into the world - quite fitting for Epiphany. It happens to contain the oldest known Christian hymn (as we now understand hymns), and is more amenable to adaptation than is the British Evensong tradition.

The songs we have chosen to go with the liturgy are from the broad Gospel tradition and focus on the path of Christ of mercy, compassion, loving-kindness, and most of all, of service to those in need. And this Praise, Worship, and Thanksgiving service for Dr. King is both faithful to the ancient liturgical order; and also allows for freeform testimony in the African American tradition as introductions and afterthoughts of songs."

The Rev. Simpson Coriolan, associate priest at St. Paul’s, will also be part of the program.