Saturday, May 4th, 2019
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Redemption Southampton
1101 2nd St Pike
Southampton, PA 18966
Free Training will be provided by Bucks Deanery for licensure by the Bishop to be a Eucharistic Minister (chalice bearer), as well as being a Eucharistic Visitor to homebound parishioners.
The training will be divided into two parts:
Part I: Interactive Didactic: Theology, history, canon law, communal reflection, and Q&A.
Part II: At the end, we will share Eucharist together.
Suggested reading for the training sessions is “Burning Hearts” by Henri Nouwen and “The Cup of Salvation: A Manual for Eucharistic Ministers” by Beth Wickenberg Ely.
Please email Deacon Matthew at if you plan on attending, or let your rector know. Also, please indicate if you want to be licensed as a Eucharistic Minister and/or Eucharistic Visitor, and if you are being licensed for the first time or renewing your license.