Episcopal Church Club of Philadelphia Luncheon


Tuesday, December 10th, 2019


12:00 pm – 2:30 pm


The Acorn Club, 1519 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102

The Episcopal Church Club of Philadelphia (ECCP) will hold its second luncheon of the season on Tuesday, December 10, at The Acorn Club, 1519 Locust Street, Philadelphia. Our guest will be Robert “Bob” Madonna, President and CEO of Surrey Services for Seniors, headquartered in Devon, PA. In his more than three years at Surrey, the organization has been recognized for the work they do in the community for supporting older adults. Join us for an informative presentation about services that could be of great interest for many in the ECCP community.

The program will start with social hour at 12 noon, followed by the luncheon at 12:30 and then the presentation. The price for the luncheon is $35 per person. There will be a cash bar for those who wish wine or other refreshments, including non-alcoholic beverages. Discounted parking is available at Park America at Academy House, 251 S. 15th Street (valet garage); $10 flat rate with Acorn Club stamp. For further information or to register for the event, call the Luncheon Chair, Nicholas Bisaccia, 215-805-5917, Nicholasbisaccia@hotmail.com.

Upcoming ECCP luncheon meetings and speakers:
• January 21, 2020: Lucinda McCallum, PhD: Interfaith Hospitality Network, a ministry to homeless families with children
• March 17, 2020: Jane McKinney: Daughters of the King
• April 21, 2020: Rev. Renee McKenzie, PhD: The Mission Church of the Advocate