
Sunday, November 17th, 2019


2:00 pm – 5:00 pm


Trinity Episcopal Church, 301 North Chester Road, Swarthmore, PA 19081

Nawal Rajeh comes to Trinity Episcopal Church in Swarthmore

Lessons from Baltimore with Nawal Rajeh ​of Baltimore & Wash., D.C. Youth are encouraged to attend. Space is limited. To register  please email the Trinity Church office here

Nawal Rajeh is the co-founder of Peace Camp, a summer program in Baltimore that utilizes the arts, games, and literacy to teach conflict resolution skills, nonviolence, and skills for managing emotions and building healthy relationships to children and youth ages 5-18. Ms. Rajeh, herself the child of Lebanese immigrants who fled war in their home country, is dedicated to giving youth in Baltimore a peaceful, hopeful, and loving space in a city where so many lives are affected by violence

What are the elements that create a feeling of peace, safety and community? In 2007 a group of educators, activists and artists started a free-of-charge summer peace camp for youth living in a Baltimore neighborhood with high incidents of violence. Now, 12 years later, youth who grew up as campers, work as counselors and help to shape and run the program. Peace Camp serves over 100 kids a summer in a high-quality program that teaches about peace and conflict resolution.

Come learn about our work and experience our program! We will discuss and then create together key elements for creating a space of peace in the midst of the world we live in now. Musicians, artists, yogis, poets, etc. are encouraged and invited to bring ideas for offerings of their craft during our time together. There will be a special breakout session for youth ages 10-18!