Creating Healing Communities Congregations Engaging Mass Incarceration (2/18/21)


Thursday, February 18th, 2021


6:00 pm – 8:00 pm


This is part 2 of the training held on 2/16/21.

Healing Communities was developed in response to the effects the ‘drug war’ and mass incarceration were having among urban families and communities in cities across the country; Understanding that faith communities play an essential role.

This training is 6pm-8pm on February 16th with Part 2 on February 18th from 6pm-8pm.

From this training, you will learn how to:

• walk with the returning citizens (connect returning citizens to resources that will help set attainable goals)

• help them connect with their faith (provide spiritual support)

• open their hearts to them (foster positive relationships)

• embrace them (extend open and affirming fellowship)

• provide understanding (collaboration with family and friends to rebuild relationships)

• Advocate for political change on a local, state, and federal level