Sharing Contemplative Prayer on Campus, Retreat for College Students (June 2023)


Begins: Sunday, June 4th, 2023 Ends: Friday, June 9th, 2023


Daily: 9:00 am – 5:30 pm


Church of the Good Shepherd, 1116 E Lancaster Avenue, Rosemont, PA

Rosemont Retreat 2023

Retreat for college students! As part of the ministry in their new community retreat house, Church of the Good Shepherd has received a grant from the Trust for the Meditation Process to run an all-expenses-paid retreat for college students to explore contemplative prayer and the possibility of starting prayer groups on their campuses. 


  • Five days, all meals and expenses paid
  • Art field trips and music workshops
  • Deepen your own practice
  • Explore new dimensions in prayer
  • Meet others with shared interests
  • Learn to gather and guide a group on your campus
  • Detailed manual and ongoing, personalized support

Retreat Leaders:

  • Donald McCown, PhD, MAMS, MSS, LSW, is co-directing curriculum development and teaching for the retreat and ongoing support efforts. Dr. McCown is Professor of Health and Director of the Center for Contemplative Studies at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. For more than 40 years, he has studied contemplative practices in Christian, Buddhist, and secular clinical contexts, as a practitioner, clinician, teacher, and scholar.
  • Kyle Babin, BMus, MM, DMA, MDiv, is co-directing curriculum development and teaching for the retreat and ongoing support efforts. The Rev. Dr. Babin is the 12th Rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd. Father Kyle served as director of music and organist in a number of parishes before discerning a call to ordained ministry. He holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Manhattan School of Music, and a Master in Divinity degree (cum laude) from Virginia Theological Seminary, 
  • Ruth Cunningham, a guest presenter, is a classically trained musician, a sound healing practitioner, and a founding member of Anonymous 4. She combines these skills to improvise vocal and instrumental music that connects people to its healing and spiritual power.