
Saturday, February 22nd, 2020


10:00 am – 1:00 pm


St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 19 S. 10th St, Philadelphia, PA 19107

Sacred Day of Clothing

(If you are interested in replicating the Day of Clothing in your area with 5 churches, please contact us so we can help.)

We need 1.) volunteers for packing materials in backpacks and/or 2.) distributing them to needed areas.

Idea: Go to where the need is by reaching people who are homeless in a few areas in the city with clothing.  Recruit volunteers from at least five churches to bring donated items (sleeping bags, backpacks) to locations (Benjamin Franklin Parkway, etc.) with high numbers of people who are homeless. (The diocese will provide a limited amount of backpacks with "I am a child of God" sewn on the outisde.) Volunteers would receive training in advance from a peer specialist on understanding homeless culture and engagement; and recruit volunteers are also needed in advance of the day to assist in assembling backpacks and filling them with a variety of items


Training/Education: Each person engaged in outreach will receive training on understanding homeless culture and engagement led by a “peer specialist” before outreach.


Gathering and Prayer: Prior to February 22, the parishes involved for the sacred day event would be asked to assemble at least 20 backpacks. (The diocese will provide a limited number of backpacks.) The assembly can be done by church members who are not doing the actual outreach. We ask those assembling the bags take the time to also pray over the items and bless them. Items for each backpack could be: hats, gloves, socks, underwear, sweaters, bras/undergarments, handwarmers, etc.

Schedule for Day:

  • 10 a.m.: Training at St. Stephen’s, Philadelphia
  • 10:30-12: Outreach (van leaves St. Stephen’s with all volunteers)
  • 12:30: Reflection