Brother Sun, Sister Moon at Christ Church Ridley Park (10/19/24)


Saturday, October 19th, 2024


6:00 pm – 8:30 pm


Christ Church, Ridley Park

104 Nevin Street

Ridley Park, Pennsylvania 19078

United States

Brother Sun Christ Church 2024

All are welcome to Christ Church Ridley Park for a special performance of "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" on October 19th at 6 PM.

James-Francis Twyman has always had a special affinity for the life and example of St. Francis of Assisi, so much so that the NY Times bestselling author, film producer and internationally famed “Peace Troubadour” recently received solemn vows in the Community of Francis and Clare, a canonically recognized religious community in the Episcopal Church. He was also ordained an Anglican/Episcopal priest three years ago.

Twyman is bringing his stirring musical based on the life of St. Francis, Brother Sun, Sister Moon, on the road. With the beloved saint as his model, James-Francis is traveling the country penniless, with whatever food, housing and further transportation people may provide, to get him from city to city. 100% of all proceeds from the performances will go to support local services for the homeless.
St. Francis, often regarded as the patron saint of animals, pictured surrounded by birds, wolves, or an assortment of other forest creatures, is depicted on statues in gardens almost everywhere you look today. For most people, he’s little more than the “birdbath saint.” But his values of inclusion, respect for all living beings, and peaceful co-existence, are a clarion call in a modern world so divided and dissonant.

This event is open to all. A free will offering will be taken at the performance with all proceeds going to help those in poverty.