Thursday, October 1st, 2020
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Poverty affects everyone in our community. What can you do to help?
If your business, church, agency or organization works with people from poverty, only a deeper understanding of their challenges and strengths will help you build relationship and partner with them to create opportunities for success.
Bridges out of Poverty training takes a comprehensive approach to understanding the dynamics that cause and maintain poverty. The focus of the Bridges training is to provide a broad overview of concepts as well as concrete, practical tools and strategies for improving outcomes for people living in poverty.
Participants will learn:
• how economic class and their hidden rules affect behaviors and mindsets
• review 4 areas of poverty research, providing a better understanding of the causes of poverty
• the theory of change
• what key resources, besides financial, help move a person out of poverty if they choose
• how to engage the unique strength of people in poverty
• importance of language and communication skills