Wednesday, March 24th, 2021
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
“We must have insight, hindsight, and foresight. That is complete sight. It is not an ‘I’ sight but a ‘we’ sight.” - Ruby Sales
Freedom Movement activist, public theologian, and teacher Ruby Sales leads us in a weekly Lenten Bible study with a focus on justice, history, legacy, and community. An early leader in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) from the time she was a teenager, Sales has a lifetime of groundbreaking work on civil and human rights, as well as nonviolent social change and community formation. Her TED Talk, public interviews, sermons, and articles are famous for advocating deep truth telling and deep love in rebuilding our nation and our communities. The Bible study will focus on the Sunday lectionary texts for each week of Lent, and is open to all in the diocese.
About Ruby Sales
Ruby Sales is the founder and director of the Spirit House Project and joined the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in the 1960s as a teenager at Tuskegee University. A deeply committed social activist, scholar, administrator, manager, public theologian and educator in the areas of civil, gender and other human rights, today Ruby Sales is one of 50 African Americans to be spotlighted in the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC. Sales has devoted her life to justice movements and preaches around the country on race, class, gender and reconciliation.
Throughout her career, Sales has mentored young people and provided support and venues for an intergenerational community of developing and seasoned social justice performing and creative artists. She has a deep commitment to providing the education, practical experiences, and frame of references to contest racism and add their voices to the public conversations on the many streams of oppression that emerge from them.
About Bread for the Journey
"Bread for the Journey" is a monthly series offered to all in our diocese to provide a time to connect in community, tune our souls to the promise and presence of God right here and now, and take in the spiritual food that can give us strength for our journey in this COVID time. This series is being offered as a gift by our bishop, so is free and open to all. Pre-registration is required to receive a Zoom link.
TED Talk: How can we start to heal the pain of racial division?,fighter%20in%20Lowndes%20County%2C%20Alabama.
“On Being” with Krista Tippett: “Where does it hurt?”
Way of Love Podcast with Michael Curry: Going where it hurts