
Friday, February 18th, 2022


5:00 pm – 7:00 pm


The Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral, 23 S 38th St, Philadelphia, PA 19104

Birds of Longing: Exile and Memory

Join in experiencing Laurie Wohl’s exquisite and profoundly spiritual exhibition Birds of Longing: Exile and Memory at The Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral. 

An opening reception will take place on Friday, February 18 from 5:00-7:00 p.m.  

You can experience these works of fabric art developed over the last two decades in response to the events of 9/11 on the Cathedral’s YouTube channel.  You will also hear the readings of  scripture and poetry chosen and elegantly painted into each tapestry by Laurie Wohl, now read aloud in Hebrew, Arabic, and English. The artist believes that the spiritual messages of these texts are best experienced through a combination of the sounds of the original languages and the visual elements of calligraphy, color, design, and Wohl’s original technique she calls Unweaving.

Accompanying these readings is idiomatically haunting music adapted by Daniel Wohl from the album Provenance by the incomparable Israeli-born cellist Maya Beiser.