Awards Presented to Fernley Scholars (2024)

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024

Fernley scholars, 2024

T. James Fernley, III (1947-1974) was a seminarian at what is now known as Episcopal Divinity School. Following his untimely death, his family and friends established a memorial fund to assist seminary students.

The following people have received funding in 2023.  They have provided their own background to share below. 


Kathryn Brossa

Kathryn “Katy” Brossa, Postulant to the Priesthood / Seminary: The General Theological Seminary

Kathryn Brossa, “Katy” to her family and seminary classmates, is a postulant for holy orders to the priesthood in the Diocese of Pennsylvania, a part-time student in the General Theological Seminary’s Hybrid MDiv Program in New York City, and seminarian in residence at the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas in Philadelphia.

Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Kathryn has lived in the Philadelphia area for the past 15 years and works full-time as the registrar at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Nursing. The generosity of the Fernley Scholarship will cover the cost of books, assistive technologies like screen readers, and travel to and from weeks of in-person intensive worship and study on General’s Close and Virginia Theological Seminary’s campus. These intensive weeks provide Kathryn and other students in her cohort with opportunities for profound community-building and support, which Kathryn finds to be a particular gift as she and Ryan prepare to welcome their first child in early September.

Kathryn feels God’s presence most keenly in her life when reflecting—either alone or with others—on the magnitude and irrationality of God’s unconditional love for all Creation and the special way in which human beings are called to be Image Bearers of the God of that willful and crazy love.

Debora Brown

Debora is currently a Candidate for Holy Orders in the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania.  She is in her Senior year pursuing a Master of Divinity at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas.  Debora is enrolled in the Latinx Concentration as part of her theological studies at the Seminary.  Debora recently completed her first year of field parish ministry internship at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Austin.

Debora’s professional career, spanning over 22 years, is a testament to her expertise in the field of child welfare. Her distinguished work as a social worker has been recognized with The Children’s Crusader Award from the City of Philadelphia. In addition to her professional career, Debora has been an active member of her community and parish, serving as a lay leader, speaker, teacher, prayer warrior, and Eucharist Minister.

Debora earned her Bachelor of Social Work from Temple University and her Master of Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania.


Anne Alexis Harra

Anne Alexis Harra is incredibly grateful to have received a scholarship from the Fernley Fund. She is a postulant to the priesthood in the Diocese of Pennsylvania and is a rising Middler at Virginia Theological Seminary. She is a lifelong Episcopalian and finds deep joy in her faith. Prior to starting at VTS, Anne Alexis worked in full-time lay ministry at her beloved sending parish, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Philadelphia, where she served as Minister for Children, Youth & Families. At VTS, Anne Alexis serves as a sacristan in the chapel department, is a member of the Student Aid Society, and works at the Flamingo coffee shop. She will do her field education at St. Andrew's, Burke, VA and is excited to serve that community. She is passionate about Jesus, liturgy, joyful movement, traveling, and iced lattes. She is a proud cat mom to Laney and Nellie, and an even prouder godmother to Will.


Elizabeth Longua

Elizabeth Longua is a postulant for the priesthood in the Diocese of Pennsylvania. She will begin her studies at United Lutheran Seminary in August as she pursues her Masters of Divinity. A cradle Episcopalian and daughter of a priest, Elizabeth has served as director of Children’s Ministries at Saint Paul’s in Exton for the last 6 years. Elizabeth looks to continue the family tradition of service through ministry in her call to the priesthood and is excited to start this new chapter in her life. She is grateful for the funds from the Fernley Scholarship as well as the support from her church community, friends, parents, and wonderful husband and children.  


Jason Seta

Jason Peter Seta BSG - Jason Peter's sponsoring parish is St. Luke's, Germantown. He has served in many capacities and ministries over the past 19 years: as a chorister, vestry member, acolyte, subdeacon, lector, and lay eucharistic minister. He is a friar of The Brotherhood of St. Gregory having entered the community as a novice in 2019 and making his first profession of annual vows in 2022. As he begins his studies at Virginia Theological Seminary this fall, Jason Peter is leaving an 18-year career in the Division of Finance, School of Arts and Sciences at The University of Pennsylvania where he was employed first as a Financial Administrative Coordinator, followed by 15 years as a Grants Manager.